Friday, January 28, 2011


We have 3 hamsters here. One is mine, Drzewo (Dray-vo), one is Travis', Ninja, and one is Chelsea's, Chewbacca. Night before last I went to bed and was putting food in their cages, since they get up at nighttime. Normally, I try to gently wake them up to check on them if they are in their little hoard homes. Well, Drzewo and Chewbacca were both up and running around. Ninja was in his little home and so I rubbed the top of it to make some noise and wake him up. He didn't move, so I tapped on it. Still no movement. I called in Travis and told him I think his hamster is dead. He wasn't really worried because sometimes we put him in the ball to run and he falls asleep, hard. We can push him over and he just flops and then comes around like guys, I was asleep! Travis took apart his house and poked him, no movement, and pushed him over. He had passed. :(

I was not a fan of Ninja since he bit me; but I didn't want the little guy dead! He was an angry hamster, not very friendly and always on edge. Hamster's always have designated potty spots, and Ninja peed all over his cage and tubes. We think he must have been sick from when we got him. Since it was so late, we just let him stay in his cage and got up and took him to my dad's in the morning to bury him next to my childhood hamsters.

I spent the day at my dad's and I do believe he is ready to skip town and move out of his house. Which is awesome for us because he will be letting us have his house! We will have a nursery and two bathrooms and a yard and a garage! I'm rather excited. I hope he really is ready because I don't want to get my hopes up and then be stuck here in the apartment.

We haven't even bought anything for Roghan, so it would be an easy move right now. And I have no idea if this previa will clear up, because if it doesn't I know I will stuck on bed-rest in about two months. I told my dad that the pressure is on... If he wants to move out of state, he needs to do it now before it's not an option anymore. Because I will not be moving with a newborn. Especially since we will have to completely overhaul my old bedroom into the nursery as soon as we get there. Let's hope it all works out!

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