Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Belly

I believe has finally popped!! I got my first comment from someone who didn't know me today. It was sooo nice to not feel huge and know that others are starting to see me as pregnant and not like a fattie! This is what I was wearing when someone noticed at my work.

I have a feeling I'm going to look like I'm carrying multiples in there, but it's just little Roghan! I was hoping for twins, but he will be just perfect by himself.
I also had a VERY blonde day. It made for a hilarious way to spend the day. I did everything from forgetting my phone to forgetting the time and suddenly not realizing that it was time for work! I was just a complete idiot but I had a blast! It was a really happy day, a nice change from being upset about my body being so highly out of shape and not feeling pregnant.
Me and Travis also went out for a "date night". We looked at pregnancy and childbirthing books at the bookstore and I found one with the Bradley method (I think that's what it was called) that I really want to get. But with the possibility of not being able to have a natural childbirth, we will be waiting to get it until I am 28 weeks and find out if I'm going to be forced into a cesarean from my partial previa. Let's hope it does clear up so I can be alert and move around and not drug up Ro-ro!
After the bookstore we went to Lyon's, and once again my eyes proved larger than my tummy... I brought home basically all of my order. Roghan is just stealing all my space in there! I love that I have an appetite again but it sucks not being able to do anything about it...
Next we got his haircut, he seriously looked like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, and now he looks much better. ;) And now his boss will stop harassing him about looking so unprofessional and hopefully his work days will be a little less stressful now.
I need to go to bed now though, soo tired from being on my feet for most of the day!

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